Thursday, 15 March 2012

Murder Ballads - Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds (1996)

Shocking, wonderfully erudite, manic, inspired and commercially successful - Nick Cave at his very peak.  9/10.

Up - R.E.M. (1998)

Intimate post-Berry album delivers some exquisite emotional highs, if only the record buying public had a clue.  8/10.

Trans - Neil Young (1982)

Really two EPs in one album (a brave electronic record and a decent rock effort), Neil was way ahead of his audience and should have done more with the commendable electronica.  7/10.

Altered Beast - Matthew Sweet (1993)

Neurotic rocker suffers relationship breakup and creates audio bliss in his expurgation.  9/10.

K- Kula Shaker (1996)

Seemed a good idea at the time, has since aged worse than decomposing road-kill.  2/10.

Beautiful Freak - Eels (1996)

Introverted genius comes out into the open and bestows magical gift to undeserving public, essential listening even if you're not a misanthrope.  9/10.

Let England Shake - PJ Harvey (2011)

Polly Jean declares war on inhuman conflict and wins the battle in glorious style.  8/10.

Highway 61 Revisited - Bob Dylan (1965)

Dylan sticks two fingers up to folksy morons and produces rock triumph, music world forever grateful. 10/10.

Is This It - The Strokes (2001)

Nothing that Pavement hadn't already done with more flair 7 years earlier. 6/10.